At Total-Hockey we pride ourselves on customer service and dispatching your order as fast as possible. Some Companies prefer to filter their reviews to show all 5-star ratings, at Total Hockey we like to be human and show you everything from 1-star reviews to 5 Star. We do our best to use these reviews to help us improve our focus on customer service and offer a level of support you don’t normally find at a regular store. Why not check these out for yourself?
With the holiday period coming up we know it can be difficult to find the perfect gift for friends and family, so we have brought all our gift collections to you! We have divided out our gift colle...
Hockey sticks are designed for either outdoor hockey or the indoor version of the sport. So, it can be confusing what the difference is between the two types of hockey sticks.
We here at Total-Hoc...
Modern hockey sticks are made up of many different materials, from Wood to Carbon Fiber and almost everything in between. However, the idea of having different materials in a hockey stick means man...
In practical life, the hockey Sticks are never perfectly straight. They can come in many different bends and shapes. And that is precisely why it can be challenging to pick out the right stick for ...
Hockey Sticks are a personal thing and every hockey player has their own favorite stick and stick brand. So it is difficult to say which hockey stick is the best one, but what we have done is make ...
Hockey requires using a hockey stick to play the game, so getting the right hockey stick means a lot! If you wonder what hockey stick I should buy, you have come to the right place.
We at Total-Ho...
Hockey requires using a hockey stick to play the game, so getting the right hockey stick means a lot! If you wonder what hockey stick I should buy, you have come to the right place.
We at Total-Ho...
Hockey requires using a hockey stick to play the game, so getting the right hockey stick means a lot! If you wonder what hockey stick I should buy, you have come to the right place.
We at Total-Ho...
In the beautiful sport of hockey, your stick is the most valuable part of the equipment; without it, you can't play. When purchasing a hockey stick, the important thing is to know what height you n...
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De CO₂-voetafdruk van elke bezorging wordt berekend op basis van gewicht, verzendmethode en afgelegde afstand. Wij neutraliseren deze uitstoot door geverifieerde koolstofverwijderingscredits te kopen van baanbrekende projecten.
Met jouw aankoop sluit je je aan bij een community van proactieve merchants die zich vol inzetten voor een duurzame toekomst. Samen hebben we uitstoot verwijderd voor meer dan 51 miljoen bezorgingen en meer dan 38 duizend ton koolstof uit de lucht gehaald.
We werken samen met een netwerk van baanbrekende koolstofverwijderingsbedrijven die zijn gescreend door het handelsplatform Shopify.